.: Comanche 4 - Novalogic

.: Fly!2 - Terminal Reality     

.: Enemy Engaged: Comanche Vs. Hokum - Razorworks


.: Enemy Engaged: Apache Vs. Havoc - Razorworks


.: Jane's Longbow 2 - Jane's Combat Simulations/Origin


.: Team Alligator - Simis

.: Hind - Digital Interactive

Win95 Patch Release: Feb 97

New Features:
New WSO operation modes
Audible undercarriage
Optional 'wimp mode' landing cushion
Description in mission debrief of crash-land cause
Provision of R-60's for two-player flights
Bugs fixed:
Disabling of rudder while panning corrected
Debug Fatal removed from 3D Visual code
Problem causing occasional crashes at the final Afghanistan campaign animation fixed
Bug causing occasional crashes after clicking 'Okay' button on situation screen removed
All models of Thrustmaster sticks now technically supported


.: Gunship! - Microprose

  • Gunship Patch by Hasbro
    This customizable version of Gunship! allows you to alter the way the program behaves. This version loads the custom.ini file and alters the settings it finds specified. You must alter the custom.ini file (text) in order for your preferences to take effect. (See read me for instructions.)
  • Custom Flight Model
    made by DuckHunter - brought to you by HeloSim.Com . This is the best one we've seen yet.
  • GunTool U.S. v1.3C
    developed by RUDI - brought to you by HeloSim.Com . Campaign editing tool that makes things a whole lot easier and faster. Updates scheduled in the future. Check the readme for instructions. E-mail HeloSim.Com for tech-support.

: Comanche Gold - Novalogic

Comanche Gold Official Patch:

  • Allows Comanche to be run inside of Windows 95
  • Adds an icon to the Windows 95 desktop to launch the game
  • Eliminates the need for a boot disk on DOS/Windows 3.1 machines

This update corrects the following problems:

  • Corrupted video on computers with video cards containing S3 chips.
  • Fixes bug that causes floppy disk version to reboot on Pentium machines.
  • Adds a top speed lock option to slow the game down on fast computers.
  • Updates Soundset to work with non-standard IRQ and DMA channels.

.: Team Apache - Simis

Team Apache Sound Patch for Windows98
This small fix addresses the problem with 'crackling', break-up of sound when playing under Windows 98 (although no problems have yet been reported with Windows 95 this will fix them should they arise)

.: SAR series

Patch v. 1.03 (May 2001):

Below is described what's addressed in this patch...

Issue / location Description / problem
Helicopter physics Physics data file improved
Joystick controls POV (joystick hat) glance function enabled
Joystick controls Button for gears up/down enabled
Joystick controls Button for hoist door open/close enabled
Joystick controls Button for rope up enabled
Joystick controls Button for rope down enabled
Intro sequence Some computers would crash during play
Visual helicopter model Frontwheel rotation error
Music volume CD drives now stop running at zero volume

Click here to download the patch (zip file - 0.4MB)

(Unzip the file to an empty folder and double-click the exe file to install the patch.)


.: Werewolf Vs. Comanche - Novalogic


.: Comanche 3 - Novalogic

  • Comanche 3 Sound Bug Patch
  • Cheats: When in flight press "R" and enter one of the following
    • RATZ - Invisibility
    • COWZ - Freeze opponents for 30 seconds
    • IPIG - Ammo overload
    • CAT9 - Double damage
    • DOG9 - All weapons
    • BAT9 - GPS Hellfires